Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Start of my credit repair journey

It all started when I went to the mall with my GF in search of a shirt to wear for an upcoming event. We headed over to JC Penney in search of something nice to wear. To cut it short, we found what we wanted and headed over to the cashier. We approached the Cash Register with $200 worth of clothing ready to pay with Cash. The Cashier greeted us and then asked, "would you like to apply for a JC Penney credit card, you get 10% off your purchase if approved"

Saving $20 sounded very appealing so I said, "Sure why not." The Cashier proceeds to have me fill out some paperwork in order to process the application. At that point the Cashier begins the process on the computer and then looks at me sadly and says "Sorry you weren't approved." At that point I wanted to crawl into a hole, especially since my GF watched me get denied.

Now, in all reality I should not have applied for the Credit Card since I realistically knew my credit was not the best. A few years back I had a US Bank Credit Card with a $500 limit which I missed payments on and eventually let it go to collections and never paid off. Around the same time I also had a Macy's Credit card which had a $200 limit. With the Macy's Card I managed to stay on top of payments and had the card for a few months. Eventually I stopped paying it and it went to collections also.

That night my quest for fixing my credit finally got underway. Stay tuned to find out what my first course of action in order to fix my credit was.

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